品牌:天神 型號:ldr0.013--ldr0.103--0.7 類(lèi)型:高壓蒸汽清洗機 用途:工業(yè)用供應全自動(dòng)電蒸汽清洗機
詳細說(shuō)明: |
性能的電熱鍋爐 天神牌電加熱鍋爐是吸收歐洲同類(lèi)產(chǎn)品優(yōu)異性能的基礎上,根據國家JB/T10393 標準全新設計的。12KW-350KW各種不同的規格適合你不同的用途和不同需要。 T·Sun”Electric heating boiler is designed newly, base on absorbed foreign excellent boiler technique, follow China National standard JB/T10393.We have full assurance of your satisfaction; That the wide choice from 3.5kw to 3350kw accommodate to your purpose. 修長(cháng)的立式設計 細長(cháng)立式設計使鍋爐在很短時(shí)間內迅速、高效達到所設定的工作溫度和壓力,即使在補水過(guò)程中,也不會(huì )有溫度和壓力的波動(dòng)。 The slim and verical design realized boilzed boiler's potential, that quickly arrive at setting steam pressure (ortemperature)with high thermal efficiency, with out steam pressure(or temperature) wave. 汽水分離效果好 內置式汽水分離器解決了一般同類(lèi)產(chǎn)品蒸汽帶水的難題。這也是區別國內其它同類(lèi)產(chǎn)品zui的特點(diǎn)。 The characteristic of“T·Sun”Electric heatingboiler is“no vapor carry liquid problem”Generally,mini boiler have vapor carry liquid problem. But ourpeculiar design which built-in steam purifier had solved this problem. 電腦控制 天神牌電熱鍋爐的所有內部管路和控制系統在出廠(chǎng)前就已經(jīng)連接完畢。一步到位的傻瓜控制系統,您只要按一個(gè)按鈕,鍋爐即可進(jìn)行全自動(dòng)運行狀態(tài),大大的方便了您的使用。 Allcontroller system of“T·Sun”Electric heating boiler is set perfectly in factory. One push button type simpleprogram controller need only your one push button, and from then bolier work full automatically, therefore you'll get many convenience and profit. 電熱元件的頂裝垂直布置 電加熱元件的頂裝垂直布置,能使附著(zhù)在電熱元件上的水垢在熱脹冷縮的作用下,迅速剝離、脫落,并通過(guò)排污管排除。從而延長(cháng)電熱元件的使用壽命。 Electric heater is inserted vertical from top. Therefore scale on the electric heater is easy peeled off ,under the process of thermal expansion & contraction, discharged through blowing tube, and the life of electric heater prolonged more |